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  • Writer's picturevortakgames

Chapter 2: Tainted Web

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

The night has softened in the low moonlight as the rain drops come to a slight drip as Ayaz makes his way towards bunker 39, Wires always has these bunkers scattered all over the cityscape to blend in and keep his belongings separated. Ayaz met Noemi years ago at a site where he was attempting to hack a core system of a company called Ironheart Commodities for some access codes to shift goods around to anonymous locations, just so happens Noemi was doing the same thing, they bonded quite quickly in knowing they have the same values with similar skills. Wires was a nickname Ayaz gave him because he is constantly plugging in seemingly more so than not which seems to affect his behaviors, many times Ayaz had to bail Noemi out of trouble because he pushed the envelope a little too much. Now he has reached bunker 39 and he looks over the panel set up; Yea I know he likes to build security which sometimes is a pain but I like puzzles so I will give it a try. Ayaz reaches his hand out with his finger he connects to the panel, as soon as he connects, he figures the puzzle to unlock the door, with a soft click and slow whisper of wind the door opens. “Hey, Wires it’s me”, He slowly moves into the room and he sees Wires alright, attached to the monitors with a funky multi wired headpiece almost like a thin metal crown. “Hey Ayaz, glad you made it safely, you gotta check this out”, like a high-speed ping pong game the lights and lines of text fly across the multi monitor set up with the constant sounds of fans blowing to cool all the systems. “I’ve piggybacked your hub set up to scan this new company that I found that recently came into the city, Deus Ex Libra, Inc, these bad boys have been creating little sweet snacks to house some serious micro tech, like serious augmentation stuff dude”. “I’m trying to re route a couple small distribution channels so we can possibly intercept a few shipments of goods, like good ol times at Ironheart, Wires smile beams as if he has conquered the world, Ayaz encourages him but is leery if they get too close to trouble and wants to maintain a stealthier image. Ayaz watches the screen as Wires attempts a few programming changes, within a few minutes a couple deliveries will be routed to bunker 6 and bunker 22 so they can get those in the morning tomorrow. As Wires finishes up his program for the night the scene switches to a low-lit room, green glow surrounds the walls and reflects shadows throughout. A small figure is sitting in front of 3 monitors scanning almost robotically at the screens, a small PING hits a screen, and the figure seems to take note, tilt his head slightly and marks a little note to check that out soon. As the figure gets back to the scanning of the screen a large burly man with short gray hair and googles on his face, all geared up with tactical pants, coat, possibly armor plating underneath walks past him and says, “Keep an eye out, I am headed to get a few supplies”. The figure nods in affirmation then goes back to scanning the screen. Ayaz sits with Noemi after he is done to settle in for a bit, “well, I think that should be work well, thank god your luck might be changing”. Noemi smiles, “Yea I can’t always have bad luck, right?”, they both laugh and sit to snack on some food before they settle in for the night, “Been busy so we need rest before tomorrow to see if we can capitalize on this merch, should be major scrip”. Ayaz nods while he chews some beef jerky, he’s been craving all day, “I hope so man, we will check it out tomorrow, I will be your extra eyes and ears”.

The morning comes as the sun now seems to pierce this veil of fog as it burns off with the flow of steam off the pavement, boots shuffle along the sidewalk as Ayaz and Noemi are headed to bunker 6 to see if the drop off happened properly. As they move along the streets it’s a quiet morning thankfully, not a lot of activity around the area of bunker 6, they move a little closer as Ayaz makes his way to the side alley across the way, at bunker 6 there is a small panel hidden near the bottom of the alley wall, this is where the drop should have happened. Noemi approaches very carefully to see if the codes have been tripped, the panel does show it has been properly checked, he smiles a bit as he opens the code on the panel to get the merchandise that’s when things seem to change quickly. The panel opens but then seems to spark as a wave of energy bursts out the opening causing a small shockwave effect, Noemi is temporarily blinded and somewhat stunned. “Crap! Ayaz exclaims as he starts to look around the alley way, there is movement along the alley, a large figure seemingly draped in a long coat however flowing smoothly along the walkway makes his way towards Noemi. He quickly grabs his monocle to scan the figure as he crouches halfway next to a dumpster, readings on this figure are a little off the charts, major augmented cyber tech, lots of this tech is not even identifiable with his current database. He swallows the lump in his throat as he makes his way to get a better angle in this melee that is unfolding in front of him, the large figure turns towards Noemi with his hand straight out palm forward as a beam of charged particles gouts towards Noemi striking him in the chest as he reels in pain. Ayaz needs to act fast as it seems this man has a huge advantage right now; he digs his heel of his cyber leg into the pavement to brace on this dumpster to attempt to push it using his nano boosters. As the leg whines with power it moves the dumpster up and toward the large man but does not hit him squarely but does pin a leg down which is partially covered with this long flowing coat, the man turns as if to calmly grab the dumpster with both hands, as his hands charge again this time the energy is flowing in a circular motion around the metal as if chewing parts of it off of him. Ayaz knows this is probably not the battle they are ready for, so he needs to think fast to form an escape plan, he looks through the monocle to scan this man who is quickly freeing himself from this dumpster on him, he attempts to hack the tech and give them an out to escape as he knows this foe is way too much for them. He connects but it’s not easy to shut down anything remotely, he needs to get closer to the foe sadly, as he approaches the man the dumpster is tilted off his leg and the man swings at Ayaz just barely connecting with the tip of his nose which startles him briefly, it is like a concrete block just missed his face! Acting fast Ayaz braces the leg and kicks the man square on the chest knocking him down to the pavement, the man looks slightly surprised but not too much concern passes on his face. He kips up mostly as if to gain some footing closer to Ayaz to strike again, Ayaz quickly deploys his hand with the wired fingers to find a spot to connect somewhere on him, as the wires extend they seem to connect on a few spots, as the connection happens it’s as if Ayaz’s brain is flooded with data, so fast he almost passes out but he send a charge to the system to short any tech out, several small sputters later it seems to slow the man briefly. Now this scuffle is drawing a little attention from the opposite side of the street where a drone guard lumbers along scanning the streets, it sees a glimpse of metal and looks to investigate more, Ayaz now moves to grab Noemi who seems to be out of it mostly now and wants to bolt fast towards a safe departure. The large man (later we will know him as Sofi, major muscle in the Deus Ex Libra, Inc organization) now turns to Ayaz and his coat seems to produce a small globe of sorts which he attempts to activate however it can’t fully open. Ayaz sees the opening to move as fast as he can but also now seeing the drone guard gather it’s focus more intently on what’s happening now, picks up Noemi and pushes off with his leg to a upper balcony which he grasps intently slightly bending the metal but manages to hurl up on the deck, then proceeds to leap across a few other decks to make an escape route as random as possible so hopefully this guy will not follow him. The guard drone is now fixated on the burly man who has a partially disintegrated dumpster around him and a few sparks flying all over, “You there, Stop!” it exclaims in a dep metallic voice, the man reaches on his belt, presses a button and the surrounding area seems to fold into spaces as he seemingly walks through the alley wall, this is some temporal effect that allows him to escape however a small piece of his tech breaks off from the rift and jingles down the alley by a small but of trash. The drone guard looks over the spot and then reports what it saw as best as possible but very little details were ascertained, it lumbers further down the street.

Ayaz breathes a little deeper and slows his body down as he crouches down on a rooftop with Noemi slightly moving a little as if waking up or coming to some sense of normal again. “Ayaz, what in the Christ was that! He bellows as Ayaz holds his hand over his mouth gently, “shhh.. Stay still, I am still processing this whole situation”. “Not sure what that really was but I know the tech is seriously prototype stuff, we need time to regroup on this one man”. As Ayaz looks up and the piercing sun starts to burn through, he ponders how much he can handle in all this but knows the bigger picture there must be more opportunities worth taking that risk, “Let’s head to the crypto café for some refueling and we can investigate all this a little better in a chill spot”. Noemi gives a slightly strained but positive thumbs up to Ayaz, “Right on man”. As the scene pans away from the roof the activity below begins to stir more, the city is waking up today, as the hustle and bustle moves along the streets below, we fade out to a soft light.

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