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  • Writer's picturevortakgames

Chapter 1: Into the Fray

Updated: Feb 8, 2023

These are stories created utilizing the GMA (Game Master Apprentice) decks and using the ALONe solo RPG system as well, this is a Cyber punk flavor story. I hope you enjoy this adventure I have created for you, I plan to post Chapters as often as its feasible so sit back and let's travel to a distant or not so distant future world....

Chapter 1:

Into the Fray- It is a distant future, the world has changed dramatically in all that time, many wars plus advances in technology which have transformed how things are done today. Societies have divided into many fragments, each with several strengths and weaknesses, to say the strong will survive is an understatement; in these desperate times we rely heavily on technology to live a somewhat new normal existence. Our lives are now a STITCHED HELIX interwoven into the fabric of life and death, these are the stories that follow this marred and not so perfect world we now coexist in.

The night sky tries desperately to shine through the haze and fog of the thick slightly rainy sky, the glow from the city below reflects off everything to create an eerie gloom. The evening is active with many people down in the plaza, it is the annual Ultra Mechanics Fair taking place in the city of Las Geiger; You can get just about any variety of technology here or just watch the demonstrations to see what’s new on the market. Most of the exhibits are safe, some are close to hot zones inside this vast city, Las Geiger was a massive producer of Utopia 12, a radioactive isotope which has been weaponized, utilized for all sorts of uses. Patches of this city are littered with radiation not at a livable level except for very few of the population who can endure. Many tunnels exist underground to avoid the hot zones, tonight seems to be a cooler night, less worry of getting irradiated. As the event goes on the streets below, we see a figure perched on a balcony looking through what appears to be a standard monocle, however it is modified highly.

As the beams of bouncing lights careen off many of the surfaces the scene zooms into the figure and the monocle he is using, as the light rain drips off the edge of the glass you see several swirling and sharp connected light paths move along the glass. This figure is Ayaz Monti, son of the wealthy, well renowned Tatsuki and Darya Monti who own a company called Polaristi Limited, a robotics lab with a history of amazing discoveries, inventions and other very integrated solutions for this current world. Ayaz has his tele monocle zoomed in across the way at a small building, as he kneels, we see his arm and leg on the right side are mostly a mix of metal, flesh and wires, gleaning off his body from the nearby glow, the rain slowly seeps off the edges. “Ahh, I see where I need to focus on”, he talks quietly to himself; “Time to see if I can hack this outside panel and get some further intel”. Ayaz powers up his internal panel feed through the monocle, he attempts to access the line remotely using his data miner unit built into his arm. The monocle lights up as the lens configures many data lines rolling across the screen, he finds a good access point to get into the security feeds as well as alarm and lock systems. As Ayaz ponders the schematics there is some movement below, a walking drone guard (a good size bot with human features) is patrolling along the sidewalk near the fair, it looks up as it thinks it hears a metal sound; alas it does not seem to catch Ayaz up in the balcony, so it assumes its rain bouncing off the roof and moves along. “Ok, this should not be too bad, I just need to move closer to the building”. Ayaz moves off the balcony as he climbs down a few people are walking along taking in some of the exhibits plus there are a few other people who are asking for some scrip (this is electronic cash that is the most widely used now in the world), Ayaz moves along some of the exhibits and vendor tents with food as well as different tech options to ponder.

He moves closer to the building that he staked out, the rain washing down the side it reads “Forever Time V-Space” this company creates temporal tools, mainly using rare materials to get the results they need, “Now I have to override the systems so I can access this side door”. As the monocle lights up the grid of complex wires and paths seems to be common knowledge for a man with Ayaz’s skills, in a location not far away a man in a guard uniform looks over the security panels which blink for a millisecond and then he does a double take, he looks again and shrugs. Ayaz moves into the side door to a longer hallway very dimly lit, using his monocle again he reviews the patterns in these walls and with a slight whir he nullifies security systems along this section. “Now to unlock the 5th door here, should be the place where I need what I have come for”. To his dismay the lock does not budge, “Damn it!” as he sighs, he moves his finger to the door panel as wires with little beads of light flickering extend from that finger, “Guess I have to do this manually”. As he fiddles with the program, he starts to think back to a time many years ago, when he was speaking to his father which was not going well. “Ayaz you have messed up again!”, his father exclaims, “This has to stop, I gave you so many chances and you have been a disappointment” Tatsuki is a man who is elusive, very much a man in charge and won’t hesitate to humiliate someone if he has the chance, wealth and success did not wear well on his personality over the later years. “Father, I am tired of all this bullshit you spew at me all the time, I am done working with your company, you never cared what I made of myself, so I am out of here!” Ayaz bolts out of the house running away but, in his rage, fails to notice as he looks back to see if his father is chasing him that a vehicle has turned quickly down the street as it impacts one side of Ayaz trying to avoid hitting him dead on. Tatsuki runs out as the vehicle speeds off, he has a look of fear and then sadness, his only son lying on the ground with his right arm and leg mostly torn off and bleeding out. The scene fades out to a flashback of many vignettes showing medical personnel, conversation snippets showing Tatsuki asking what can be done, then scenes showing him taking things in his own hands but utilizing the great resources as well as robotics tech his company has so, he must fix his only son out of some deep-down guilt. As the scene fades, we return to Ayaz by the door with his hand finishing the panel hack needed to get in, he looks at his arm and then sighs.

Now he is in the room, many compartments are here which are not labelled as well as drawers, he must find what he needs and get out of here. “Why is this always the way, I can never find what I really need when I need it most, he thinks of the hard work and time he spent getting here. One last ditch effort to see if he can grab what he came for and disappear before anyone’s alerted, finally a lower drawer has a few small, boxed containers labeled micron magnetite, “Great! That’s what I need”. Micron magnetite are rare ores that are like nano tech charged particles utilized in finely crafted tools or other apparel which enhance extremely delicate motor functions for various uses. Now that Ayaz has what he needs he heads out the way he came in, now at least he feels he’s accomplished what he set out to this evening. As he exits back to the streets his micro comm starts to beep, he sees it is his good friend Noemi, nicknamed Wires, he loves fiddling with tech but often finds trouble. Ayaz answers “Wires what’s up?”, “Hey Ayaz, you must come to my place, I think I found a great new way to get some major scrip bro, like massive scrip!” Ayaz looks up in the foggy sky, smirks a little, “ok dude, you always find something to hack but rarely do you get away with it, I am coming over now, which bunker are you at because you have so many” as Ayaz laughs. “Yea man I know, I am at bunker 39 dude, I’ll see you in about 15 bro”. Noemi disconnects as Ayaz pulls up his collar to avoid most of the rain drops and swiftly shuffles along the walkway towards bunker 39 to check out the latest dilemma Noemi is in, he is a great guy but often needs to be bailed out of a sticky situation, maybe he finally is on to something solid. Ayaz fades into the streets with the crowd converging all around his path as he weaves away.

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Oct 16, 2022

Thanks very much! I appreciate that, I am growing my skills in creative writing and utilizing the solo RPG's for journaling to create this helps.

I used the Cyberpunk deck beta which came out on KS, By using the ALONe system with tension and revisions options it allows me to take the cards randomly to create story changes or outcomes, the revisions are like points to spend to re draw a card if you need help like a luck factor, the tension is good to see if a random event occurs. So I start with a tension say of 2, then each time there is a likely odds questions, like Ayaz on the balcony wondering if he is spotted is…

Oct 16, 2022

Brilliant! Would love to see how you interpreted the deck to come up with this story!

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